Project: Mobile Financial service (JAEW)

A JAEW project that implements many mobile financial services for utility payment with multiple channel as USSD, mobile application, web application and EDC Device. This project provide dtac customer more channels for them to payment.

  • Lakelouse Bill Payment – This project is to provides many channel for utility-payment via dtac provider.  The list of channels are web agent, USSD, barcode scanning and mobile. The purpose of bill payment’s sub-project is to provide web service payment functional  are invoked by other channel.
  • Jaew Wallet – This Project is to migrate existing software system to a whole new system design and architecture. It also implement both new and change requirement that enable the business to be able to compete in the bill payment service market
Company: PAYSBUY - Paysbuy Company Limited
Period: 2013 - Present

Oracle Weblogic server, Log4J, JMS, EJB, Web Service , XML, SVN, Eclipse, jMeter, Google Web toolkit, PL/SQL, Unix Shell script, Bugzilla, JSON , AJAX, Oracle Database, PL/SQL, NetBean IDE, Hibernate, Docker, Linux, CentOS, JBOSS, PostgreSQL, Rabbit MQ, Sendgrid, Github, SysLog, GrayLog, JasperReport, JPA, JAX-WS

Enterprise: Total Access Communication PLC. -
Team size: 6 - 7